Interview with Male Model Seth
Hello again Seth! It is so wonderful to have you back at Past The Print!
Sure. I am an East coast born male model who found himself in the modeling industry quite by accident. My background is in marketing and I started modeling when I was thirty-eight after an unsuccessful attempt to win a readership model contest in a men’s fitness magazine led to my first paid modeling job.
What have you been up to these days in the world of modeling?
More lifestyle shoots. I still do some fitness and fashion work, but I am getting cast a lot more in lifestyle/editorial work. It’s fun and I find myself shooting on location more – most recently Telluride, Colorado and Palm Springs, California.
To date, what has been your favorite project? I have had a lot of fun shoots, but I think my favorite was a runway show I did for Eufora back in late 2010. I was one of their campaign models when they launched the Eufora Hero line in mid 2010 and it was a blast getting to walk the runway with a bunch of other models at their event in San Diego in November of that year.
You have a new companion now. Tell us all about how you met Casey and how she came to live with you.
Casey is my new buddy. She is a rescue I adopted in July of last year. (See right---->) She’s part pitbull (American Staffordshire terrier) and part Boston terrier. She weighs in at about 36 lbs and is all muscle. I found Casey at an animal shelter when she was eleven-months old. As they say, we found each other. I had been looking around for a while for a dog at the shelters and had seen many wonderful animals, but not the right dog for me. When I saw Casey she was sitting very shyly near the door to her cage staring up at me with these big eyes. She was very scared and shaking when they took her out to visit with me and she immediately came over and hid behind my legs. Like I said, we found each other.
Thirty days later she was fearlessly leaping off the furniture, going to dog parks, and wrestling with my neighbor’s Boxer.
What is a normal day like in Seth’s world?
My day starts at about 6:45 AM. I get up; do some stretching, a few core exercises, and take Casey for a walk. From there, its coffee, breakfast, and on to the computer. If I am not shooting that day than I am either responding to castings, setting up shoots, writing, or working on marketing projects (I still do marketing consulting).
Normally I break from work around 4PM and head to the gym. I like to get in a bit early to beat the crowd. After I get back, it’s dinner, maybe an hour or two more of work, read, go to bed, and get up in the morning and do it all again.
What are you looking forward to in the next few years? I love to travel and there are a few spots that I have yet to visit. I think Buenos Aires is on the radar to visit this year.
Beyond more travel and maybe a few more adventures, I am just looking forward to enjoying more time with friends, family, and maybe somebody special.
As a model, what are your goals for the future? As cliché as it sounds, I would like to land a big cover. To date modeling really has been good to me and I am continuing to book shoots and campaigns so hopefully my luck will continue. J
Satin or Lace? Satin
Hot or Cold? Hot
Camera or Canvas? Camera
Denim or Leather? Denim
Talking or Texting? Talking (texting is great for directions or quick messages, that is about it)
Irish or Italian? Italian
Thunder or Lightning? Thunder
Front seat or Back seat? Front Seat (just be careful to not to get impaled on the gear shift)
Dark eyes or Light eyes? Light
The sound of a heartbeat or a crackling fire? Crackling Fire
Sleeping bag or Bed? Bed
Dinner or Movie? Dinner
Wine or Beer? Wine
Holding hands or Holding her attention? Holding Hands
Red or Black? Black
Crayons or Paint? Crayons
Mountains or Beach? Beach (although I do like both)
Rain or Sunshine? Sunshine
Picnic in the park or Dancing in the club? Picnic in the Park
Silk sheets or Cotton sheets? Cotton
And now for the more personal questions. (Yes, you heard me snicker) As a single—and very attractive—man, what are you looking forward to in your life?
Hmmm..sounds like a leading question, but the answer would be that I am looking forward to sharing a few adventures with someone else. So I guess you could say I am looking forward to settling down a bit.
Do you consider yourself old fashioned in the ways of dating? Or do you welcome the new age of anything goes?
Split decision. I do consider myself old-fashion and I like some of the chivalrous traditions, but I also like some of the newer conventions on dating and relationships that allow either partner to initiate or take the lead.
When preparing for a date, what’s the one thing you make sure never to do?
Get myself too wrapped up in work before the date. Even if I just a make a minute or two to decompress before I meet that person, it helps me to focus on them and not bring my work along on the date (three’s a crowd).
What’s the one thing you make certain to do? Listen. I am pretty good at talking so I try to be equally good at listening.
What kind of woman dazzles you? I love confident, poised women. Not arrogant or haughty, just warm and confident. Someone with a nice smile and a clever wit.
If money were no object, where would you take that special someone? Patagonia, Chile. There are some amazing sites to see in that area. It is on my list to visit.
Do you believe in kissing on the first date? Absolutely.
Seth, thank you so much for coming back and talking with us. I know you are a very busy man, but, rest assured, we are so grateful that you took the time to be here. It is always a pleasure to chat with you.
And don't forget, romance fans, to come back to Past The Print and check out Seth's Wake-Me-Up Wednesday feature this week. You'll love his new photos!
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